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Its long been assumed by some researchers that the unique shape of the glans serves the purpose of scooping out competitors semen so that the male currently in the vagina has a better chance of impregnating a woman.

 Now, it turns out that the shape could be more related to scooping out vaginal fluids that could kill sperm than scooping out other mens semen. The foreskin then absorbs the vaginal fluids. Either way, the result could be a pregnant woman.

You know what? , work your way up to the Full Monty.? It’s easy to cross that line from entertaining to creepy if the other person isn’t responding in kind.Don’t Show Your Face! If you insist on sending nude pictures, do not show your face. Once you put the image out there, there is no way to un-send it. You are putting a lot of faith in the other person that they are not going to post it online or blackmail you with it if you decide to run for political office in the future. So, for your own safety, never show your face.Wait For A Response!

 Don’t send numerous messages if the other person isn’t responding. You certainly don’t want to come across as desperate and pathetic. It is quite possible the other person is tied up and will not be able to respond immediately. So just wait it out. If they think of you in the same way, they will eventually respond.Don’t Take Sexting Too Seriously! Sexting is the new flirting. Yes, the person you are sexting back and forth with is interested in you. That, tickling bunny ears! So we've taken our amazing rabbit, tweaked, twiddled and improved it and come up with my blog Magic Rabbit 2.0!More: Vibrator videos.

12/9/2015 11:31:32 am

I believe that the more people that are armed on a campus the greater the chances of a incident to occur.


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