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VIDEO: Safe Sex for SeniorsIn the past 5 years, the rate of STDs among active seniorshas risen over 70%. This public service announcementpromotes the importance of using condoms, illustrated bymature adults in various poses of the Kama Sutra. [via] All About Women’s Orgasms – Should We Care Where They Originate?

A series of essays in the Journal of Sexual Medicine looks at female orgasms and is once again fueling the debate over how orgasms are made — do they come from the clitoris, the vagina, or the elusive G-spot. The issue includes an essay by researchers at Rutgers University who conducted multiple studies in which they asked women to masturbate while having an MRI. They found that different areas of the brain are activated from clitoral stimulation and vaginal stimulation. The areas overlap but only slightly suggesting there really are different “types” of orgasm. Others disagree, however; a French gynecologist writes in her essay that female orgasm is dependent on clitoral stimulation and suggests that because the front wall of the vagina is closely linked with the internal parts of the clitoris, so-called “vaginal” orgasms could in reality be clitoral in origin.

Yet another essay suggests that women who can have vaginal orgasms — without any clitoral stimulation — are physically and psychologically healthier. It pointed to research finding that women “who have vaginal orgasms have a lower resting heart rate than others who did not experience them” and that those “who can reach a sexual peak without clitoral stimulation are less likely to use specific malada.he most common practices are kisses, caressing and vaginal penetration.

On the other hand, the least practised are masturbation and oral sex.Furthermore, there are other factors that limit sexual activity in both sexes: being older than 75, not having a partner, having a low level of education, a poor perception of their own health and sexuality, suffering from two or more chronic illnesses and taking two or more types of medication.This can be applied to preventing illnesses and promoting health and healthy sexual practices.

Palacios states. He highlights widowerhood and physical illness amongst reasons why the older Spanish population do not have sexual intercourse.The authors note gender differences among those older than 65, with less sexual activity in women compared to men. They also note age differences, with better results for those aged betwee.ake you more aware of your sexual needs. If you're single then you can enjoy penetration without the need for a partner and if you're part of a couple then you can use a G-spot toy to show your lover exactly where this elusive hot zone is! 5.  G-Spot Toys are available in versions to suit each and every budget.The We-Vibe IIClitoral and G-Spot Vibrator fits in the luxury bracket but themy blog Aquagasm G-Spot Waterproof Vibrator is great for those who like to keep it cheap and cheerful.Find out more about our range of G-spot vibrators here..

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